for years and years, my friend Isaiah talked me into going to church with him. Not like church-church, but more like youth group.
He didn't have to push me to hard, I love to learn and I looked at this as an opportunity to learn about religion.
Now I'm not really a Christian, and the church Isaiah belongs to has been becoming more and more conservative and extreme, taking Isaiah and the group of people I hung out with more extremely conservative. Now this year with all the elections and controversy, I find that I'm a little out of their circle.
Don't get me wrong, they are great people, and they're never offensive. But I find that they keep trying to convert me and change how I feel about stuff like gay marriage. When I joined facebook groups supporting Barack Obama and rising up against Prop 8, I found that my opinion and and my values are apparently not in line with what God thinks and believes.
I have been finding that every conversation I have with Isaiah eventually comes back to religion and eventually to how I'm not leading my life right.
What can I say? I love sex. I love booze. I love people who smoke pot. I love being able to vote democrat and think liberal. I love favoring evolution.
I guess I'm going to H-E-double hockey sticks.
I have a lot of feelings and thoughts on this matter, so I'm sure this won't be the last post on this subject.
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