Friday, January 30, 2009
Big Bear
I am super-stoked to be going up to Big Bear next week for an all-expenses paid trip to make a movie!
Lindsey Rappaport, fellow ICF alumni and cinematographer is giving up her gig in Big Bear as a crew-person to go back to school at Chapman. So is the rest of the crew for that matter. So me and my friend Reggie are heading up there Sunday morning to fill in and do whatever they need. And plus we get to live in a cabin in Big Bear for a week, so that's cool too!
Also, apparently they have spared no expense on booze.
Every night, they get fucked up and celebrate. They just set a later call time the next day. Sounds like my kind of set. lol. Thats probably why they're running a week late, but w/e.
Every night they pick up rum, vodka, and beer. I'm gonna light sets and kill my liver doing it!
I'll let you know how it goes later. I need to wake up early to see Franz Ferdinand tomorrow
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I'm currently playing therapist
This girl I know is suffering from Bulimia and is very lonely. She has also been raped, and is used constantly for sex
I am not at all properly trained for this
I hope I don't fuck her life up
She wants to be an actress but her family won't let her.
I told her to do it.
She has nothing to lose anyways...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

for years and years, my friend Isaiah talked me into going to church with him. Not like church-church, but more like youth group.
He didn't have to push me to hard, I love to learn and I looked at this as an opportunity to learn about religion.
Now I'm not really a Christian, and the church Isaiah belongs to has been becoming more and more conservative and extreme, taking Isaiah and the group of people I hung out with more extremely conservative. Now this year with all the elections and controversy, I find that I'm a little out of their circle.
Don't get me wrong, they are great people, and they're never offensive. But I find that they keep trying to convert me and change how I feel about stuff like gay marriage. When I joined facebook groups supporting Barack Obama and rising up against Prop 8, I found that my opinion and and my values are apparently not in line with what God thinks and believes.
I have been finding that every conversation I have with Isaiah eventually comes back to religion and eventually to how I'm not leading my life right.
What can I say? I love sex. I love booze. I love people who smoke pot. I love being able to vote democrat and think liberal. I love favoring evolution.
I guess I'm going to H-E-double hockey sticks.
I have a lot of feelings and thoughts on this matter, so I'm sure this won't be the last post on this subject.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I want to watch more movies with Humphrey Bogart.
Bogart is a real man, a man's man.
He's a lover and a fighter, and is a symbol of the film noir anti-hero
I've seen him in The Maltese Falcon and Casablanca. I've seen him in the African Queen and Sahara.
He made 76 movies before his death in 1957.
I think I should go ahead and watch more of them.
God bless you, Bogey
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I think I have allergies
I've been feeling a little under the weather and anyone who's kicked it with me for the last while knows I've had a mean ass cough
hopefully I'll be able to get some medication for it and be back on my feet.
I need to work out, I feel fat
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Almost one
It's almost one in the morning...
Jess' kid is screaming bloody murder...
He won't sleep, so she won't sleep, which means I don't sleep....
damn, that kid can cry.
At first it was really scary just seeing Josh get worked out in the daily kind of upset he gets. And even when he was happy, him giggling was a really sharp sound and it alarmed me. But I got used to it. Jess says I've got "paternal instincts". For those of you who dropped out of school, that means mean ass daddy skillz
this is something completely different. It's like all he wants to do is just be difficult. It breaks my heart to see a kid cry, and I wish there was more I can do to help....
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Rocky Horror Picture Show
I like the Rocky Horror Picture Show

a lot more than I really like to admit
so shhhhhhh.....
I went last night and had a great time
it was the first time I had ever been in a tortilla fight
I pray it won't be the last
cause that was flipping sweet!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Spaceship life...
It must be boring to live on a spaceship...
The only thing to do is sleep and eat. Like cabin fever. Maybe you'd get TV, but that turns to infomercial shit around 1am or so. Needless to say, you'd get sick of reruns pretty fast.
My homie Travis has been under house arrest for the past three weeks. He's got the whole anklet and all. Can't leave the house. It's like a very comfortable prison.
-Can't go to the movies
-Can't go to concerts
-Can't go to Chinatown
-Can't go a-fishing
-Can't go outside his house
That's pretty fucking lame. I've been texting him this whole time. He's losing his mind, just a little bit.
I would too
I need to be outdoors a certain amount.
I need to breathe fresh air
to walk around,
to be alone with my thoughts.
Lame as that sounds, a house is a prison on the mind.
My best moments of inspiration have all been when I'm outside, just walking around.
I can't imagine what he's doing this whole time. I think I'd sleep most of it away. At least he can go on myspace and google shit. Contrary to popular belief, the internet is a poor substitute for real life, however. I'm sure he'd rather be talking to me in person as opposed to leaving me comments on my profile.
Friday, January 9, 2009
January 9th, 09-Grindhouse Shirt, blue jeans
I did my first Mole-Richardson volunteer job today. I did alright, didn't fuck up and look dumb...
...I was talking to some of the guys there about working. A lot of the other volunteers are college grads, who are working in the Industry. One of the guys worked for Panavision, but got laid off since the economy's bad.
And right now the economies always bad for movies. January is a sucky time to be trying to find work, cause nobody's making a movie in January. Not to mention the SAG strike on the horizon. It's just a bad time to be wanting money.
I've been looking for at least a project to do for the past couple of weeks. I miss making movies. I miss putting lights up high and pushing crab dollies. I can't wait to get back to filmming something. My big goal is to be DP. Nobody wants me as a DP since I didn't work with them over the summer. None of the people I worked with over the summer are likely to want to work with me again. hahahahaha
Their loss
I really love being at Mole-Richardson. All the lights and set, it's really a fun place to be. Probably one of my favorite places, to be honest. I can't be alone in thinking that. ASC's gonna be there Valentines Day for their Award ceremony, and cinematographers keep coming there to run their film tests.
I was talking to a woman who was an 1st AC. Those are the people who assemble the camera on set, pull focus, and make sure everything gets put back right. She was saying a good way to go and just play with cameras is to contact rental houses and just ask if I can come in and mess around. You tell them your a student filmmaker, and they'll let you hang out for free. I might do that. I want to learn how to pull focus and put the camera together...
...I was talking to some of the guys there about working. A lot of the other volunteers are college grads, who are working in the Industry. One of the guys worked for Panavision, but got laid off since the economy's bad.
And right now the economies always bad for movies. January is a sucky time to be trying to find work, cause nobody's making a movie in January. Not to mention the SAG strike on the horizon. It's just a bad time to be wanting money.
I've been looking for at least a project to do for the past couple of weeks. I miss making movies. I miss putting lights up high and pushing crab dollies. I can't wait to get back to filmming something. My big goal is to be DP. Nobody wants me as a DP since I didn't work with them over the summer. None of the people I worked with over the summer are likely to want to work with me again. hahahahaha
Their loss
I really love being at Mole-Richardson. All the lights and set, it's really a fun place to be. Probably one of my favorite places, to be honest. I can't be alone in thinking that. ASC's gonna be there Valentines Day for their Award ceremony, and cinematographers keep coming there to run their film tests.
I was talking to a woman who was an 1st AC. Those are the people who assemble the camera on set, pull focus, and make sure everything gets put back right. She was saying a good way to go and just play with cameras is to contact rental houses and just ask if I can come in and mess around. You tell them your a student filmmaker, and they'll let you hang out for free. I might do that. I want to learn how to pull focus and put the camera together...
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